Reserve your Caregiver for Dartmouth Reunion now!

Sitter Scout specializes in the placement of qualified childcare providers with families looking for the highest quality care for their little ones. Sitter Scout is excited to be providing childcare services for all 2024 Dartmouth Reunions. Childcare is available June 13th, 14th and 15th. Caregivers will come to your hotel, residence hall room, or home to watch your children. Care must be booked in blocks of at least 5 hours and payment is made directly to your caregiver.

To request childcare, please submit an online registration form by June 1st, 2024. If you are a new or returning customer with Sitter Scout, please select “Dartmouth Alumni Registration” when prompted to select the services you are interested in.

After submitting your registration, log into your account and use the online booking feature to submit your request. Please note that when you request care through this form you will need to use the coupon code provided to you by Dartmouth to avoid paying an agency fee. Payment is solely to the caregiver and should be paid directly to the sitter in cash or through a third-party payment app (agreed upon by you and the caregiver) at the end of each day.

Sitter Fees:

  • 1 child: $25 per hr

  • 2 children: $26 per hr

  • 3 children: $27 per hr

  • 4 children: $28 per hr

  • 5 children: $29 per hr

  • Shared Care- 2 Families/5 Children Max: $35 per hr

    If you have any questions regarding the registration process, please contact us at Thank you!